The Biggest Myths About Zero Waste Living, Debunked


The Zero Waste Movement began as a concept in December, 2000 as a result of a small conference in New Zealand. This movement began in an effort to reduce the waste that humans produce each year. Although this movement is on the rise as conversations around climate change and environmental protection become more prominent; there are still a few myths surrounding this mission that we want to break down for you. The reality is, this movement is becoming more accessible to everyone each day and if we can help shine a light on that here at Well Earth Goods, we will!

So, here are a few myths about Zero Waste living that we want to debunk for you right now:

  • It’s Expensive
  • Yes, like many lifestyle changes it can feel daunting to your finances to overhaul the things you have always done. But the Zero Waste movement is set-up in a way that inspires people to simplify their lives and this includes simplifying and reducing the things we spend money on. This movement is more about reducing what we consume instead of constantly replacing purchases with new items. One example is shopping secondhand for clothing which can reduce your costs on clothing by at least 50%.

  • There Aren’t A lot of Alternative Options
  • One of our favorite parts of the Zero Waste movement is the creativity that goes into it. There are more and more small businesses (like us!) and lifestyle blogs that are dreaming up new ways to be a good steward of the earth through small, functional, and attainable choices. From DIY creations with recyclable items to upcycling secondhand clothing, this movement is made for creatives, but also brings new and efficient ideas to those who aren’t necessarily passionate about DIY. 

  • It Doesn’t Really Make a Difference
  • At the current rate of the Zero Waste movement, we can reduce about 14 percent of human-caused methane emissions from landfills. Taking small steps each day will allow our impact to be reduced and influence the way companies and local businesses make products/services with our changing consumer habits in mind. For example, Starbucks, Disney, and even the European Union taking part. Unilever, Nestlé, and PepsiCo all recently announced plans to roll out reusable packaging for certain products in an attempt to reduce single-use disposables.

  • It Is Not Realistic
  • The beauty of the Zero Waste Movement is that you can start from where you are. This lifestyle shift and movement does not happen overnight and any small change or choice you make can create an impact. Purchasing less plastic can help reduce your plastic waste. Composting can help create healthier fungi and bacteria for the soil for your garden. Bringing your own takeout containers will decrease your use of styrofoam. The list goes on and it is possible to create this movement in your day-to-day reality. 

    From Our Family to Yours; Stay well.

    Jocelynn and Lee,

    Well Earth Goods

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